Friday, June 20, 2008


I have been super crazy busy lately and have been just trying to keep up on my family blog so I haven't made much time for myself. Part of that is this blog. I have been recently thinking a lot about all the changes in weather and storms/natural disasters we have been seeing. That combined with the state of our economy I have been really worried about taking care of my little family.
I have been mentally making a list of things I need to start getting for our storage. Even if we don't experience a natural disaster we never know what can happen. I want to have my family be okay if something were to happen to myself or my husband. If he were injured and unable to work I want the peace of mind that my children would not go hungry and we would still have a roof over our heads and a vehicle to drive.
We have our cars completely paid off which is a huge thing for us. We have not had a car payment in 5 years. It's such a relief to know that no matter what we have a vehicle and if worse came to worse we have something of value to sell to get money.
I have worked a little on our storage but have gone through some times when we have needed it so it has been used and not replenished like it needs to be. We are hoping that this summer job helps out the financial things for a bit so we can get everything in place that needs to be.
As far as a roof over our heads we are really lucky to have such a small mortgage payment. It's something that could be manageable in a bad situation. With all the foreclosures and the housing market the way it is I am so thankful for my little home. It may not be everything I dream of but it is our home and we have made many memories there. I'm hoping that eventually the market will improve and we will be done with school and be able to get some equity out of the house to keep our payments low on our next home. I guess only time will tell that part.
Anyway here is a video clip I found today that really hit me hard and increased the urgency that I already feel. It is produced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints but they are talking about our nation and economy. I particularly love the speech by Ezra Taft Benson. Since he was the Secretary of Agriculture it makes it all that more valid. Not only was he inspired but he was witnessing all of it himself.

His full speech can be seen all over the internet and is very good. This is a link to a good version without the hum.

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